You can cancel any appointments you don't want to keep by following these quick steps.
Cancel from your confirmation email
You can often find a link to cancel your appointment in the confirmation email you received when you booked your appointment. If you can't find the email, try doing a search for the keyword "Resurva", as the email may have been filtered into a different folder.
Cancel from the booking page
If you don't have a cancellation link, you can sign into the booking page where you made your appointment, click your name in the top right, and click Your Bookings. You can click the Cancel button beside any appointment to cancel it.
If you can't find your booking
You may have made your booking by logging in with a Facebook or Google account, and later logged in with an email and password. These accounts aren't tied together in Resurva, so you won't be able to see the bookings you made on your other account. You can sign into your other account to view or cancel your booking.
How to change an existing booking
Existing bookings can't be modified by a client, but you can cancel your current booking and make a new one. You can also reach out directly to the business to ask if they can edit your booking for you.
Contact us
If you're having trouble cancelling a booking, please reach out to us by email at, or by sending in a support ticket here: Resurva Support - Submit a request