Having a cancellation policy in place allows you to charge clients who cancel at the last minute or miss a booking. Charges can be refunded up to 30 minutes after the end of the missed or cancelled booking.
What is cancellation protection?
Cancellation protection allows you to charge your clients a percentage of their booking cost if they miss their booking or cancel within a certain time window. To learn more about cancellation protection, check out the guide: Set up cancellation protection.
How to refund a cancellation charge
When cancellation protection is enabled, clients who cancel their booking within your cancellation window will be automatically charged a fee (either the full cost of their booking, or a portion of it, depending on how you've set up your cancellation policy). You'll see a notice of the cancellation policy violation, and you can click Skip Payment Action to undo the charge.
To find this option from the Resurva dashboard, first click Cancelled above the calendar, and find the time slot with the cancelled booking. Click View, select the booking, and click the menu button (three horizontal lines) in the top left. Find the event that triggered the cancellation and click Notifications. Find the notification for Payment Action: Charge, and click Cancel.
How to mark an appointment as a no show
When a client misses an appointment, the appointment must be marked as a no show for the client to be charged the cancellation fee.
To mark an appointment as a no show, click on the appointment in the schedule and select No Show.
You'll be notified of the charge to the client, and you can cancel the charge if needed by clicking Ignore Violation.
How to unmark an appointment as a no show
If an appointment has been marked as a no show, you can undo this by clicking on the missed appointment in the schedule, and clicking Undo No Show.
The client will be charged 30 minutes after the end time of their missed appointment. After this time, the charge cannot be undone.
Require payment from no show clients only
To reduce no shows, you can require payment only for clients who have missed an appointment in the past, while the rest of your clients can pay in store. To read more about requiring payments from no show clients, check out this support article: Require online payments from no show clients.
More options to avoid no-shows & cancellations
You can also enable appointment deposits to require your clients to pay a portion of the appointment cost in advance, and pay the rest in store. Learn more about appointment deposits here: Require appointment deposits.
Need help?
If you have any questions or need help setting up online payments, please reach out to us by email at support@resurva.com, or by sending in a support ticket here: Submit a request.