If you're closing a location, there's a few steps you can take to ensure a smooth transition.
Set a closing date
If you're still taking bookings right now, you can set a last booking date for the location to ensure clients can't make bookings after your last open day. To set a last booking date, navigate to Settings > App Settings > Last Booking Date.
Turn on the checkmark for Last booking date is active, and select the fixed date option. Use the date picker under When? to select the last day that you'll be accepting bookings, then click Save.
Search for remaining bookings
You may still have some existing bookings that are scheduled for after your last day, which will need to be cancelled. It can be helpful to run a booking search to find the dates of any remaining bookings; you can do this by navigating to Analytics > Booking Search, and clicking Advanced to open the search tools. Set a date range for your search - you can set the Start Date to today's date, and set the End Date to one year from today (clients aren't able to make bookings more than one year in advance, so you should be able to find all of your upcoming bookings this way). If you find any bookings that need to be cancelled, you can navigate to that day in the schedule to make the changes. You can also download the search results as a CSV file by clicking Export Results at the bottom of the page.
Cancel any bookings after the last day
If you need to cancel any bookings, something that can help is to update your booking notifications to include a message about the upcoming changes, so clients know why their booking was cancelled. You can update your booking notifications by following the steps in this support article: Manage booking notifications sent to clients.
You can cancel a single booking by clicking the booking in the schedule and clicking Cancel in the booking details popup - select Notify client to ensure the client receives a cancellation notification. Alternatively, you can cancel all of a provider's bookings in a specific day by clicking Edit Day, then selecting the provider's name. In the popup that appears, select Turn Off, turn on the checkmark for Cancel all bookings, and click Save.
Let clients know about the change
You can display a message on your booking page to inform clients of any upcoming changes by navigating to Settings > Logo & Branding, entering your message under Tagline, then clicking Save. You can also connect a Mailchimp account to export your client emails, and send a newsletter to your clients to keep them updated on the changes, by navigating to Client > Client List.
Note for businesses with multiple locations
The first location you created in Resurva is considered the "parent location" - if you'd like to close your parent location, you'll need to set one of your remaining locations as the new parent before closing the existing one. To set a new parent location, or if you're not sure which location was created first, please reach out at support@resurva.com using the email address you used to create your account, and our support team will be able to help you out.
If the location you'll be closing is not the parent location, you can close the location by selecting it from the dropdown in the top left, and following the steps in the next section. If you'll be closing all of your locations, the parent location should be the last location to be cancelled, after all remaining locations have been closed.
Cancel your subscription
You can close a location by navigating to Settings > Billing, selecting the Package tab from the left column, and clicking Cancel your account. After you confirm the cancellation on the next page, your account will be permanently closed, and any associated data (including your client list and upcoming bookings at that location) will be deleted - if your business has multiple locations, you'll still be able to access the other locations.
If you need more time before cancelling, you can temporarily take your booking page offline, so that admins can still access the dashboard, but clients aren't able to make any bookings. To set your account to offline, click the Online indicator in the top right of the dashboard and select Turn Booking Offline. Please note that setting your booking page to offline is not the same as cancelling your subscription - you'll still need to cancel from the billing settings page when you're ready to close the account.