Resurva provides revenue reports and analytics for you to get a better feel of how your business is doing.
View revenue reports
You can view reports and analytics in Analytics > Reporting. You can select a date range of the Last 30 Days or the Last 90 Days using the buttons at the top.
Keep reading for an explanation of the terms on this page, or check out this guide for more info on analytics: View revenue reports and analytics.
Analytics reports: terms & definitions
Resurva impact
- Bookings created by - bookings created by a client on your widget vs. bookings created by an admin on the Resurva dashboard
- Booking time of day - bookings created during shop hours (while open) vs. after hours
- Completed bookings - completed bookings vs. no show bookings
- Bookings by days of the week - bookings grouped by day of the week
- Bookings by date - bookings per day
- Top 10 clients by bookings - clients who booked the most appointments (note - this is not clients who spent the most money, check the Revenue tab for this data)
- Booking source - bookings made on the booking widget (web) vs. with the iOS app vs. with the Android app
- Revenue by date - total revenue by day
- Revenue by service - total revenue grouped by service
- Revenue by provider - total revenue grouped by provider
- Top 10 clients by revenue - clients who spent the most money (note - this is not clients who booked the most appointments, check the Bookings tab for this data)
- Services booked - amount of appointments for each service
- Services booked - by provider - how many appointments a provider had for each service
- New vs. returning clients - bookings created with a new account vs. an existing account
- Active vs. inactive clients - bookings created with accounts that are still active vs. accounts that are now inactive
View detailed revenue reports with booking search
You can see more detailed revenue reports with appointment details, subtotals, discounts, and splits, by starting an advanced booking search. You can then export the data as a CSV to be imported somewhere else, or kept for your research and records.
To start an advanced booking search, navigate to Analytics > Booking Search and click Advanced in the top left. You can read more about reports from booking searches in this article: Get detailed revenue reports with booking search.