Set up a revenue split for your providers to automatically track their profits, so that you can know the exact amount to pay out to each provider while keeping a set percentage for your shop.
How do revenue splits work?
Each provider in Resurva can be set up with a revenue split for their services, to specify what percentage of their earnings the provider gets to keep, and what percentage goes back to the shop. For example, if a provider is set up with a 90% revenue split, this means the provider will keep 90% of the earnings from each booking, and the shop will keep the other 10%.
Enable revenue splits for your shop
Before you can set up a revenue split for a provider, you'll need to enable the option in your shop settings. Navigate to Settings > App Settings > Providers, turn on the checkmark for Manage provider splits, and click Save to confirm your changes.
Set up a revenue split for a provider
You can set up a revenue split in the individual provider settings, by navigating to Manage > Providers, then clicking the three dots beside the provider name and selecting Provider Splits. Click Add New, and enter the percentage that the provider will keep under Split. In other words, if you enter 90% for the split, the provider will keep 90% and the shop will get the other 10%. You can also set up different splits for each service, and set a start and end date for the revenue split. Click Save to confirm.
Export your booking data
After you set up the revenue split, you can periodically export your booking data to determine how much to pay your providers. You can export booking data by navigating to Analytics > Booking Search, and click Advanced in the top left to open more search options.
To show revenue in the search results, you'll need to set a date range of two weeks or less, so you could export this data every two weeks while you're managing your payroll. To exclude any no shows or cancelled bookings from the results, set the Status dropdown to Confirmed. You can view a specific provider's results by selecting their name in the Provider dropdown, and/or select a specific service in the Service dropdown. Turn on the checkmark for Show Revenue, then click Search, and you should see a list of bookings. You can download this data by clicking Export Results at the bottom of the list, and then open the file in Google Sheets or Excel to view the number of bookings or calculate fees.