If you'll be deleting a provider, their remaining bookings should first be cancelled or moved to a different provider. If a provider has already been deleted, you can follow this guide to remove any outstanding bookings.
Cancel or move bookings before deleting a provider
If a provider will be leaving the business, it's easier to make certain changes before the provider is deleted, to lessen confusion for clients and reduce the amount of bookings that need to be cancelled or moved. If the provider hasn't been deleted yet, you can follow the steps in this support article to set a last day for them, and cancel any bookings after their last day: Remove a provider.
Check if a deleted provider has outstanding bookings
If a provider has already been removed from the provider list in Manage > Providers (by clicking the three dots beside their name, and clicking Remove), a quick way to check for outstanding bookings is by running a booking search.
You can run a booking search by navigating to Analytics > Booking Search. Click Advanced to open the search tools, set the date range for your search and set the Status dropdown to Confirmed, then click Search. Next, search the page using the "find on page" shortcut (Ctrl + F or Cmd + F) and type in the provider's name. If there's no results on the page for the provider's name, that means the provider doesn't have any remaining bookings in the date range you searched.
If you do see results for the provider's name (keep in mind that you may also see results for any clients with the same name), this means the provider still has some outstanding bookings that need to be cancelled. Keep reading to learn how to reactivate the provider to remove these bookings.
Make a list of all outstanding bookings
You'll need to make a note of each outstanding booking that needs to be moved or cancelled. You can cancel or move all of a day's bookings at once, instead of cancelling each booking individually. From the booking search page, you can make a note of each date that has any bookings with the deleted provider, so that you're able to find and cancel the bookings in the schedule once the provider is reactivated.
If the deleted provider only has a small amount of outstanding bookings that need to be cancelled, you can make a note of each date by hand. Alternatively, you can download the search results by clicking Export Results at the bottom of the page, then open the file in Excel or Google Sheets and sort it by provider name to find all of the dates with outstanding bookings.
Reactivate the deleted provider
Next, you can reactivate the deleted provider by navigating to Manage > Providers and clicking View Inactive in the top left. Click the three dots beside the deleted provider's name, then click Status. On the next page, set the Status dropdown to Active and click Save. To make sure that clients can't book the deleted provider during this time, you can hide them from the provider list by selecting the Settings tab in the left column, turning on the checkmark for Hidden from public, then clicking Save.
Update your cancellation notifications
If you'll be cancelling or moving any bookings, it might help to temporarily update the booking notification emails that are sent for cancelled or moved bookings, to include a message explaining why the booking was changed - you can do this by navigating to Manage > Notifications, selecting the notification type from the left, then editing the text in the box and clicking Save. After you're finished making schedule changes, you can come back to this page and remove the message again.
Option 1: cancel all remaining bookings
After the deleted provider is reactivated, you can cancel all of their bookings in a specific day by clicking Edit Day, then selecting their name. In the popup that appears, select Turn Off, turn on the checkmark for Cancel all bookings, and click Save.
Option 2: move all remaining bookings to a new provider
Alternatively, you can move the remaining bookings to an open time slot with another provider instead of cancelling them. To move a booking to another provider's time slot, click Move at the top of the schedule, select the booking you'd like to move, and click on the new time slot for the booking.
You can move multiple bookings at once by selecting the first booking you'd like to move, then selecting the second booking, and so on - each booking you've selected to move will turn grey on the schedule, and you'll see the selected bookings in a row above the schedule. When you're ready to move the bookings, you can click on any open time slot to move the highlighted booking (shown with a red border) into that spot.
Confirm that all bookings were cancelled or moved
You can now run another booking search to make sure all the outstanding bookings have been cancelled or moved, by navigating back to Analytics > Booking Search. Click Advanced to open the search tools, set the date range for your search and set the Status dropdown to Confirmed, then click Search. When you search the page again for the deleted provider's name, you shouldn't see any results, as all bookings should have been cancelled or moved to another provider. Once all bookings have been taken care of, you can deactivate the provider again by navigating to Manage > Providers.